Archives for August 2013

Saddlers, Preaching, Radio and Another Trip

Things have definitely been busy since we said goodbye to the Ireland team! The week after they left Sean, Mavis, Vicky and I taught a 5 Day Club at Saddlers Pentecostal Church of God. We taught the club last year with our Summer intern Nathan, so we were very excited to be invited back… and to see many of the same kids return as well!

DSC_0003-1 Cute girls hanging out before club began

DSC_0014-1This guy was the only kid to say all 5 verses for the week, and he got a Bible for his reward

DSC_0019-1We ended up having 53 kids attend for the week! Notice Maddy in the aisle?

DSC_0025-1Sean going over the rules.

DSC_0032-1Vicky teaching the memory verse

DSC_0038-1Poor Mavis hurt her arm and almost broke it. Sean had to hold the flash cards for her Bible lesson.

DSC_0049-1A rare picture of me… I’m usually behind the camera!

DSC_0044-1This adorable girl was no more than 4 years old. I watched her walk to the church and cross the main road all by herself holding her doll!

DSC_0052-1Our little cutie “posing” for the camera after club


On Sunday we attended service at Saddlers and Sean “brought the message”. He preached about the difference between childish faith and childlike faith.

The following Tuesday we were asked to teach a few training classes for some of the adults in the church. Saddlers is planning to have their own Good News Club in a local primary school this Fall. Sean and I had actually never taught training classes together here… so it was exciting getting to tag team with him again!

Preaching and on The Radio

Our friends and fellow missionaries in St. Kitts, the Graysons, recently left to visit their home in the States for six weeks. Brandon is the pastor of our church here, Caribbean Christian Fellowship, so Sean has preached in his place the last two Sundays. Sean has also been filling in for Brandon on his and Mavis’ weekly radio show on Saturdays. If anyone would like to listen, you can do so online at Dominion Radio. The radio show airs at 2:30pm eastern time… 1:30 central.

Sean will actually be hosting the show by himself until Brandon returns because Mavis leaves next week for her three month long training at the Children’s Ministries Institute in Missouri! When she gets back in November she will be completely ready to take over the ministry! Please pray for her as she prepares to leave and please pray for her family as they will be without her for quite some time.

Meanwhile, Sean and Mavis have been getting ready for the Fall… working with pastors and other church leaders to start Good News Clubs in the primary schools. It looks like we may have several new school based clubs!

Our Last Summer Ministry Trip

ECC (Evangelical Chinese Church) from Seattle came last year with a large group… they are returning this week with a much smaller group and we are so excited to see them again! They will be coming with Marshall and Kim Pennell and Jessica Ching. They may have a smaller group but we have a lot of ministry planned for them! They will be teaching a 5 Day Club, helping an elderly man with some basic repairs to his house, hosting a large children’s rally and doing some open air evangelism in downtown Basseterre… not to mention attending a local church where one of the guys will be preaching! The Pennells and Jessica come in today and the rest of the team arrives on Thursday (after a very LONG day of travel). Everyone leaves on Friday the 23rd.

Pray for their travel and for their ministry to be fruitful!

Only three days after they leave Sean’s family will be here for two weeks… from August 26th – September 10th!

August is flying by!