I love to spotlight what God is doing throughout the Caribbean and the area that Mandi and I serve as missionaries. Each of the national workers we serve are incredible people that God has called to lead their country. It is a privilege for us to help them in their efforts to reach kids and make their role easier so that more children are reached. Today, I want to share a letter from Rafael Ku, the CEF national director for Belize.

“We thank our sovereign God that He is in control of the coronavirus and nothing surprises Him. Praise God for what He is doing:
- Schools opening.
With the schools reopening came new challenges. They are still in recovery mode so Good News Club teachers are still waiting to continue teaching the children in person. Children are adjusting to online classes. However, many children still lack access to internet and devices.
- A Preschool testimony:
Teachers record a 6-8 minute video with the Bible lesson, memory verse and Word up. Video is sent weekly to Preschool Parents for their children. The children listen then send back to teachers a video where they say their memory verse. Parents comment they also are learning the memory verse together with their children. Praise God they can hear the gospel!
- Churches:
Because current government regulations allow gatherings of only 10 people, many churches are now using Zoom. Sunday School teachers are finding creative ways to teach the children using technology. Even CEF training has moved in this direction.
Again, we thank you for supporting CEF with your prayers and financial donations so we can continue evangelizing more children in this country. Together we can reach this generation for Christ.
Finally, November 4, 2020 will be the “World Day of Prayer” for the CEF ministry. This is a worldwide event. Will you take 5 minutes on that day to pray for the following?
- For God to raise bilingual local directors for the Corozal, Orange Walk and Cayo districts.
- To raise a bilingual national trainer.
- For the children that are neglected and face abuse in dysfunctional homes.
For the Children,
Rafael Ku
CEF National Director”
Praise the Lord for Rafael and like he said, thank you for your prayers and support! Every day we help CEF national leaders like Rafael help reach the children throughout the North Caribbean. We could not serve workers like Rafael without you being a part of our ministry. Thank you!
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