Archives for February 2019

Board Training, Iguanas, Brunch and Roosters in Cayman!

November 8-12, 2018 I (Sean) went to Grand Cayman to assist CEF of the Cayman Islands with training new members of the national board and also with their first major promotional event!

CEF Board Chairman Herbert Crawford!

CEF was locally established as a Caymanian Non-Profit Organization earlier in 2018, and so they desired to hold their first major promotional event to share about the ministry with the community in Grand Cayman.

Talking with Dr. Caris Bramwell, CEF National Coordinator

The Cayman Islands are well known around the world, a beautiful twin-island country full of history and unique characteristics. It is one of the top diving sites in the world and one of the top-five centers for global business law and banking. But did you also know that there are millions of iguanas…so much so that there is a bounty of $6 USD per iguana? And did you also know that there are countless wild chickens and roosters that walk around?

One of the wild beach roosters!

CEF of the Cayman Islands also desired training for their new board members, so a second main priority of the trip was spending time with the national board to train the new members.

Training the CEF National Board

As I have shared in the past, I always try to travel with someone so that they can see the ministry first hand. However, I specifically try to bring someone who can strategically assist with the objectives of the trip. So it was a joy to travel with my long time friend Chris Carver, a Montgomery banker and CEF of Central Alabama committee chairman! Chris brought a wealth of experience to the table, able to speak to fellow national board members as a committee member himself.

Chris Carver (middle)

The training went excellent, with us learning more about what the national board was already doing in the Cayman Islands, and us sharing policies, board responsibilities and strategic vision planning. It was an excellent time with the CEF Cayman national board.

Chris Carver sharing in one of the board training sessions

The Cayman Islands has a population of 60,000-70,000 people, with 160 nations represented in only 76 sq miles! It is an incredibly diverse place.

Breakfast at the CEF promotional brunch!

The Cayman Islands may be a top tourist destination, but it does have its challenges. Over the past 5-10 years there has been great cause for the local people to be concerned for their nation, with a loss of many of the young men and women of their country. This has been heartbreaking for the mothers and fathers of these teenagers and young adults, and the local church wants to change the direction of their nation.

Sharing at the promotional brunch!

However, as Dr. Bramwell (CEF national coordinator) told me, “We (the Cayman Islands) are a small island nation, but we have the problems just like anybody else. But God is able, He knows all the challenges and He is is greater!

With Dr. Bramwell in the CEF Cayman office
Around the CEF Cayman Office (tv’s not related!)
Picture of the national board and curriculum at the CEF Cayman Office!

One side highlight for me but also a strategic opportunity for CEF Cayman was a furthering of the relationship with First Baptist Church Grand Cayman. I have personally been spiritually enriched by God’s Word as taught by Thabiti Anyabwile, and he was the senior pastor there for many years. We were able to meet with pastoral staff there and invite folks to come to the promotional brunch.

First Baptist Church Grand Cayman

The promotional brunch went extremely well, with a full room of folks from many different churches. The ministry vision was shared clearly, and there continues to be fruit from this major event. Here is footage from the event and plenty of pictures!

Dr. Caris Bramwell sharing
The venue for the brunch! (upstairs)
The thank you plaques for the Good News Club Volunteers!
Good News Club students sharing through praise dance
Chris Carver helping to prepare the packets for the brunch!
The CEF promotional table!
They even had a friend of CEF share musically with his trumpet! Very talented!

When the brunch was over, and everything was cleaned up, everyone was quite tired from the weekends events. But Chris Carver and I are Auburn Football fans, and we couldn’t miss watching Auburn beat the snot out of (unfortunately lose big time to) Georgia!

Where there is a will there is a way!

Sunday morning we worshiped at Cayman Islands Baptist Church, and many of the CEF Cayman Islands national board members joined us. CEF Cayman was recognized in the service, and we are grateful for their partnership with CEF in the Cayman Islands!


Sunday afternoon was an extra special blessing, we spent time with the national board over a delicious meal, chatting together and building relationships as I continue to work with each of them and serve them in ministry.

Lunch on Sunday!

Will you pray for CEF of the Cayman Islands, for Dr. Caris Bramwell and for the children of the Cayman Islands? CEF Good News Clubs are working. One principal told me during the trip: “Since GNC, there are children walking down the school yard singing GNC songs, detention visits have gone down in my school. There is a new spirit among the children at my school.

As Dr. Bramwell said: “There are 12,000 children under 12, we must reach them all!