Archives for January 2020

Pensacola, Here We Come!

When we tell people in Montgomery that we are actually international missionaries and that Sean travels to the Caribbean every six weeks or so, we often get confused looks. Sometimes it’s because people aren’t sure how it actually works but sometimes it’s because they are shocked that we can regularly fly to the Caribbean from Montgomery. I mean, the Montgomery Regional Airport is nice, the lines are short and it is super convenient… but it isn’t exactly a hub for the Caribbean.

(If you want the basic summary of why we are moving then skip down to the last section).

Flying from Montgomery…

For Sean to get to…. let’s say, Antigua… he has to get up around 4am so he can be at the airport early enough to catch the 6am flight to Charlotte. (There are NO flights to Miami from Montgomery). Hopefully this flight is on time (which it seems to often NOT be) because he has an hour before his next flight to Miami where around noon he will head to Antigua. There isn’t a lot of wiggle room!

On the way back home he often has to stay the night in Miami or if he can get home in the same day, it’s not until 11pm (and that’s on a good night). It can be a hassle and it costs us extra time and money. We are so grateful that Sean can do his job from Montgomery though! But unfortunately the flight issues have only become more difficult… we really hoped as time went on it would get better.

Missing Family…

Also, we are sooooo much closer to family living in Montgomery than we were in St. Kitts and Turks & Caicos. But over the last four years we’ve realized that living three hours away from all of Sean’s side of the family is still far. (Mandi’s family is in Texas and South Dakota.) We are so grateful to spend holidays with our family… something that wasn’t always possible when we lived in the Caribbean. But we would love to see them more. Our girls want to see their grandparents and play with their cousins more than just a few times a year.

Moving to Pensacola!

Moving close to Pensacola will help with both of these issues! Sean’s family lives about 40 minutes away! And not only does Pensacola offer the same three Charlotte flights a day as Montgomery, but also 5 – 7 daily Miami flights!! How awesome is that?! Flying out of Pensacola will make traveling to and from the Caribbean so much easier. Sean will have OPTIONS! He won’t always have to get up at 4am or get home at midnight… and no more overnights in Miami. PLUS, flying out of Pensacola will save us about $300 per trip!

The cost, time and family make this a good decision for us but there is one more reason to go…

Changes in Schooling

Our girls are already facing big changes for 2020… Maddy will start middle school and Riley-Grace will start Kindergarten (time please stop). Maddy’s current school stops at 5th grade so she will have to make a transition no matter where we live. So when thinking about when to move, it seems wise to do so this summer. This way neither of them will have to change schools unnecessarily.

And about the schools….

We are actually looking at moving to Pace or Milton right outside of Pensacola instead of living in the city. This would give Sean easy access to the airport but also allow our kids to be zoned for Santa Rosa County schools (which are excellent).

As for Charlotte, she is still young enough that moving wouldn’t be a difficult adjustment… especially because it would mean she gets to see her grandparents regularly!

How You Can Pray!

Please pray for us to make money from the sell of our house. We made several upgrades to our home over the last few years and the market is much more expensive in the Pensacola area. So we need to make a larger down payment to be good stewards!

Also related to selling our home, please pray that it will sell before the summer. We are staying in Montgomery through the end of Maddy’s school year but would like to have our new Pace/Milton address so the girls can start at their new schools in August.

So also pray that we will be able to find the right house and close on it before the 2020/2021 school year begins.

And of course please pray for our family as we say goodbye to our friends, church and life here in Montgomery. Moving is never easy. We know this decision is wise and we want to go but we are sad at the same time. Montgomery is where we lived when we were first married. All of our kids were born here. Our church home is here. We loved our life here so much that we chose to move back after leaving the Caribbean. So please pray for us to have “good” goodbyes.

We are moving to Pensacola!

Basic Summary (for those who skipped ahead):

We are moving to the Pensacola area this summer 2020.

Nothing is changing with our CEF ministry. Sean is still the Area Director for the North Caribbean.

It costs us extra time and money to fly out of Montgomery to the Caribbean.

We will be much closer to Sean’s side of the family (40 minutes) instead of the three hours we are now.

Pray for our house to sell before the summer.

The housing market is more expensive near Pensacola. Pray for us to make enough money from the sell of our home so we can make a larger down payment.

Pray for us to find the right house and to close on it before the next school year begins.

Pray for our family as we say goodbye to friends, our church and our life in Montgomery.

A New Season of Ministry in The Bahamas!

January 17-20 was spent serving the national board and staff for CEF of The Bahamas!

As you might remember, the previous National Director served faithfully for 25+ years. Dr. Willamae Miller is a wonderful servant of the Lord and she led the ministry well until her retirement last year.

Sean & Dr. Willamae Miller at the CEF Bahamas national office

Eunice Perpall now takes her role as national leader for CEF of The Bahamas, and she is presently taking her 12-week leadership training at the Children’s Ministries Institute. CMI is a requirement for all full time CEF staff.

It was wonderful to be back in The Bahamas, the first country other than St. Kitts & Nevis that Mandi and I served in as missionaries back in 2012! I was picked up at the airport by Lisa and RaMona (below) and we were able to have a meeting and discuss the CEF ministry they were each involved with. RaMona is a new staff member and I helped answer onboarding questions as I am temporarily both Lisa & RaMona’s day-to-day supervisor as Eunice is off island at CMI. We then went on to the CEF Bahamas office to meet with Dr. Miller, the national director emeritus. Dr. Miller still volunteers and helps around the office, sharing her wisdom with those who presently serve.

L-R: Lisa Moss (GNC ministry coordinator), RaMona Bethell (5DC/Prayer ministry coordinator), Sean, Dr. Willamae Miller, National Director Emeritus (retired)

After all of these many times in The Bahamas, I drove by myself! Come to find out Google Maps works quite well there, so I had no issues getting around. Except for not anticipating rush hour traffic on a tiny island, that was time consuming!

CEF Bahamas coordinated a rental car for me, a RHD Nissan Square

The national board is entering a new season of opportunity at this same time. They, alongside the regional leadership team are looking to train over 15 volunteers in April. There are big plans for CEF of The Bahamas as they now will have three full-time staff members, active ministry in the Family Islands, and ministry to Hurricane Dorian-affected children! This large-scale ministry will require a large-scale national board, so this weekend was a preparation trip for that upcoming April training.

One thing that I was sure to do with the national board was spend much time praying together. Our regional director, Beltane Harrigan, often says: “If it can’t be done by prayer, it can’t be done.” I believe that as well, and so we spent time praying for the entire national ministry there in The Bahamas

We also spent time sharing a meal together, which is incredibly important in building strong relationships

We also discussed the upcoming April training, creating an action plan together on how best to recruit the new members. I am glad to say they are already working effectively at doing this!

The location of the April board training, will you pray for this room and for those who will be present?

The next day (Sunday), we went to a church that has been a part of CEF Bahamas ministry for many years: New Bethlehem Baptist Church. The pastor was the very first male Teaching Children Effectively Level 1 graduate for The Bahamas back many years ago and they have been a faithful part of the ministry locally.

CEF Ministry Coordinator Lisa Moss did a fantastic job putting together a presentation table and interacting with the congregation after the service!

After the service we had the opportunity to all gather together and share a meal again together, the national board and two of the national staff.

Thankful for the Lord working throughout this trip and giving wisdom to everyone in the direction for CEF of The Bahamas! Please pray for the ministry as they enter a new season this year.


I got to be on the plane back home with Montgomery, AL’s new mayor Steven Reed!