Archives for 2013

CEF Week

The National Board decided to have a CEF week to celebrate our one year anniversary (of having an established office). They wanted to flood the island with CEF promotion and we believe they definitely accomplished their goal!

Monday: Mavis was on ZIZ (the St. Kitts TV station) and both Sean and Mavis had a 30 minute interview on Dominion Radio, one of the Christian radio stations.

Tuesday: Sean and Mavis had an hour long interview on the main secular radio station Winn FM! They spoke about Good News Clubs and that our goal is to have churches teach these clubs inside the public schools. Winn FM is one of the most popular radio stations here and we had a lot of great feedback!

radio interview

Sean and Mavis at Winn FM

We were supposed to have a booth set up at Independence Square in downtown showcasing our curriculum. Unfortunately, the event was rained out.

Wednesday: “Open House Day” for the office. ZIZ, the local TV station, came out to do an on-camera interview. You can watch Sean and Mavis on “national” television below!


Thursday: Sean and Mavis traveled to the other side of the island, St. Paul’s and Dieppe Bay, and taught a Bible lesson in the morning assemblies to 190 kids. All the kids also got a “Gospel Turn Around” tract to have or hand out to someone else!

dieppe bay

Students at Dieppe Bay Primary School

Friday: Concert night! In the evening the National Board hosted a CEF concert at a Girl’s Guides (English equivalent to Girl Scouts) building complete with a full spread of BBQ and sides! A group of kids performed a dance, another did a drama skit and we had a few singers. About 150 people came out to show their support for CEF!


Before the concert began… it was dark so this is the best shot we could get.

I think one of the biggest things about the CEF Week was how little work we actually put into it! Not that we are lazy! But Mavis and the National Board took care of the majority of the details. Although we are still busy with much work, it’s awesome to watch ourselves become less and less needed!

Teacher Training Testimony

This is why we are here…

Sean and Mavis were able to teach a small training seminar for a local church (Beacon of Hope). We want the people here in St. Kitts and Nevis to have a burden to reach their nation’s children. We want them to become on fire to share the Gospel with every single child and we want them to be equipped to do so!

We were blown away when we received the following email (it is long but worth the read) from one of the seminar participants:

Dear Mavis

I want to thank you and Shawn for the very fruitful sessions which you conducted for the teachers/volunteers/mentors of Beacon of Hope. It was quite refreshing for me personally as I was reminded of methods of dealing with children which I had learnt long ago and had somehow forgotten and it also brought me into a new consciousness of how Jesus loves children and of His redemptive nature and that I should treat them with kindness and love no matter their background or attitude.

All of the reports from the participants were very positive.  The teaching has greatly impacted how they view children and their need to be saved at an early age. It has brought them into the awareness that there are different methods which they can use to get the attention of children without bullying or mistreating them.  It also has been helpful in revealing how children can be evangelized and how they too can carry the message to their peers.  This is very exciting when we look at the potential for the expansion of the kingdom of God and for the ability of children to walk in their God given purpose from a tender age.  One of the teachers said “what a joy, the command of God to evangelize can also be fulfilled by children if we prepare them!”

Many of the teachers used expressions such as “eye opener, innovative techniques, effective implementation, systematic progression, responsive, compassionate, change in mentality, patience is key, engaging God, passing the baton accurately, preparation is vital” in describing the sessions. They spoke about the material being simple but effective and marvelled at how much we were able to cover in three hours.  We just attribute all of this success to the Lord being with us in that training session and caused us to use time effectively so that three days work was done in three hours, for He truly was present.

It also brought out the importance of preparation, of how we need to give our best, for our God deserves the best and His children whom He has placed in our care deserve the best.  It showed us that good preparation would yield better results. How can we teach what we don’t know or tell children to do what we do not practise? Wouldn’t it be hypocrisy? These are some questions that we have been asking ourselves.  One of the things that stuck with me was how Shawn described the end result of just teaching children Bible stories without leading them to salvation.  He said that we would be raising Pharisees.  That was so powerful as an eye opener.  We do not want a set of Pharisees as our seed and so we will endeavour to ensure that the Gospel is included in every session.  I also remember your mention of the fact that we are co-labourers and as such we are not on our own and we are not working for ourselves we are accountable and this requires a certain level of responsibility knowing that we are partnering with God.

Many also found that the methods can be used with their own children as several are single mothers who are also in the process evangelizing their own children.

On behalf of Pastor Gaston Harris and the participants I wish to say thank you for sharing such powerful and transforming methods and not only that but also showing us what the Word of God says to susbstantiate the teachings.

May God continue to increase you more and more in His love and wisdom as you persevere to accomplish His purpose.

Janet Harris
For Beacon of Hope.

Just as with most things, we go through many ups and downs in ministry. There are times when we wonder about the effectiveness of what we are doing. Discouragement seems to veer it’s ugly head ever so often. But receiving emails like this just makes us praise God! He is doing something on this tiny island!

We are so grateful to witness His work!

Birmingham Mission Trip Team

Well, our first mission trip team has come and gone. It was such a joy to have these girls work with us last week! They reached a lot of children, loved on Maddy and were a huge encouragement to us!

At the airport

They were here from Saturday to Saturday.

On Sunday they attended one of our favorite churches in St. Kitts, Cayon Church of God. Our board chairman, Nigel, attends this church and the pastor helped us get our visas last year.

At Cayon Church of God

At Cayon Church of God

During the week the girls taught a 5 Day Club at Beach Allen Primary School. They were able to reach 127 children!

Beach Allen

Beach Allen

Beach Allen

Beach Allen

Beach Allen

Beach Allen

Beach Allen

Every team seems to have “something” that goes wrong, or doesn’t turn out as planned. Their “thing” happened after eating dinner on Tuesday evening. Everyone who ate the Mahi Mahi at this restaurant got a mild case of food poisoning! Thankfully they seemed to recoup well the next day!

Birmingham Team6

This team was a little different in that it was a mission trip/senior trip. So the girls had a lot of time to just enjoy the island. They were able to do the rainforest zip lines, go horseback riding, snorkel, relax by the pool and even took a sailboat on Friday! Because they were staying at the Marriott we were able to swim at the pool a few times too!

They even had Maddy stay the night with them on Thursday so Sean and I could have an evening alone! Maddy was so excited! She talked about it ALL DAY. She really thought she was one of the “big girls” for sure!

We just loved having them here and we were sad to see them go. Maddy kept saying she wanted to get on the “AA plane” and go back to Alabama. But we are looking forward to getting up with them when we come home next year!

Birmingham Team12

Our next team arrives in July… from Ireland!

First Church Partnership Good News Club – In Pictures!

Last week we had the privilege of attending our first church partnership After School Good News Club! Antioch Baptist Church has adopted William Connor Primary and has already held club for three weeks!

We could not be MORE excited to see this take place in St. Kitts! We want to see clubs like this repeated with all of the primary schools here, and even into other countries as well!

There are definitely some kinks being worked out but the teachers are amazing! And the kids absolutely LOVE being there!












It is so amazing to see how God is working in St. Kitts and Nevis! There are already more churches wanting to adopt schools next Fall!

Birmingham Mission Trip

Our first team arrives this Saturday! A group of just graduated girls are taking a combination mission trip/senior trip and will be teaching 5 Day Clubs at a local school, preaching at a church (one of the Dads, not the girls) and have offered to babysit Maddy for a night. We are really looking forward to meeting them and having fellow Alabamians with us for a week!

Our van is almost completely repaired. We were able to fix the starter and the back suspension and shocks are now ready for the team. Which means we should be able to put people in the back of the van again. The front suspension still needs work but we are waiting for more parts to come in. Also, Sean got a check from the petroleum company and we now have a back bumper again.

It’s like we have a new van!

Please pray for the Birmingham team as they prepare to leave and serve in ministry here next week (they will be here from Saturday – Saturday).

Before I end…

We are able to have American cable TV here and were extremely saddened to watch the events in Oklahoma unfold Monday afternoon/evening. It was devastating to know many of the kids at Plaza Towers did not make it out alive. We are praying for their families, for CEF in Oklahoma and the other victims as well.

Our Good News Club Turned One Year Old!

Last Monday we celebrated 1 year of having our Good News Club in Fig Tree! We had a birthday cake and watched a movie with popcorn! It was such a special treat for the kids and they all seemed to have a lot of fun.

I love this picture! She is studying for her memory verse before club began… complete with her bare feet propped up and tongue sticking out. She said her verse perfectly!

Studying Her Bible

Of course, as soon as I brought out the camera the kids wanted their pictures taken. They all try to cram into the shot at the last minute.

Group shot of Kids at Good News Club

And they LOVE to put Maddy in the center of their group pictures… but Maddy isn’t to sure about being surrounded!

Group shot

Thanks to the money raised by the Alabama and Missouri CYIA (Christian Youth in Action) programs, we were able to get a projector for the chapter in St. Kitts and Nevis! So we brought it along with us and the kids watched The Jesus Film for Children.

What is a movie night without popcorn?

Munching on Popcorn

The kids were thrilled to have the popcorn… so was Maddy!

Excited about popcorn

To be honest, we thought we would need to quiet the kids down at least once during the movie, but they were captivated! One of the adults told us the kids had never seen anything like it. They’ve been told about what Christ did for them all year, but they got to see a depiction of it. They were all completely silent during the crucifixion scene. The movie ends with an invitation to trust in Christ and a sample prayer… we could hear a few of the kids saying the prayer along with the movie.

Sean explained to them what it meant to trust in Christ and how coming to Good News Club will help them grow in their Christian walk.

Talking to the kids about Christ

We are so grateful to be part of this Good News Club! It was definitely bittersweet for us though… knowing that we probably won’t be there to celebrate next year’s birthday (we leave in January 2014). But we are excited to continue teaching until then!

Other News

The TCE class in Nevis is going very well!

We had an earthquake last week… a 5.3! Most everyone on the island woke up around 3am because their beds were violently shaking. Us? We slept through it all. We had no idea there was an earthquake until we got on Facebook the next morning!

Our wall still has a hole in it but we should be getting the estimate this week.

The petroleum company finally settled with Sean! We will be getting a new bumper for our van soon. The accident happened last September so we are grateful for the resolution. We also ordered the parts to fix our suspension and shocks and they are in transit to St. Kitts from several different places. We haven’t been able to put anyone in the back of our van since last year… plus our van is very “squeaky” and I can hear Sean driving down the road, downstairs and inside the house, before he even gets to our driveway! People know when the Millers have arrived! So hopefully getting the bumper and suspension fixed will help. Unfortunately, our starter went out this week and a friend in the States will be bringing one with him when he comes back next week because we cannot find one here at all. For now, Sean has to bang on the starter with a hammer to get the van running! Haha! But we are just happy it will start, whatever it takes! This poor van has been put through the wringer!

In about two weeks our first mission trip team will be here!


Just another week in the Caribbean!