We are In America

It’s been a few weeks since we updated this blog because so much has happened in our lives.

Two weeks after I (Mandi) returned from the States for ingrown toenail surgery, we found out my father passed away. Ours was not a typical father/daughter relationship and you can read more about that here if you are interested. Regardless of the circumstances, we really wanted to be at the service and reconnect with that side of the family. We originally planned to come home on December 17th and already had our tickets purchased. So we simply moved up our trip and left St. Kitts on November 17th. Instead of spending three weeks in America we are now spending at least six.

Maddy’s 4th Birthday Party

We flew to Houston and spent about 11 days with my family. Maddy had her heart set on having her birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. She had been asking for a party there for months so she was beyond excited to actually get it! And of course, the party was all about princesses. 🙂

Maddy's Princess Birthday at Chuck E. Cheese

Standing with Chuck E. Cheese

Maddy's Princess Party

Although Maddy’s birthday isn’t until Thursday, this was definitely her “big” celebration.

Now in Montgomery

We arrived in Montgomery Friday evening and will be here until December 22nd! We have much to do… doctor’s appointments, dentists appointments, eye appointments, stocking up on supplies, meeting with supporters, raising new support, church presentations and simply hanging out with everyone. We are so excited to see everyone and be back home!

In the meantime we are enjoying everything about America that we have missed. We have already eaten at Chick-Fil-A several times (and plan to eat there several more times). We’ve been to the mall twice and Maddy was thoroughly impressed with the Disney store. Last night we bought some snacks at Publix and marveled at how pretty the produce section is and how many choices are on the shelves.

At some point we plan on taking Maddy to the Zoo, eating at our favorite restaurants and letting Maddy play at as many parks as she wants (there aren’t any parks in St. Kitts).

Going Back to St. Kitts

We will spend Christmas with Sean’s family in Spanish Fort and plan to return to St. Kitts the first or second week of January… depending on flight availability.

We received VERY good news the week we left! We were planning to move to a cheaper one bedroom apartment in January but after the owners of our current apartment found out we we wanted to downsize, they lowered our rent by $250!

It also looks like a National Director will be in place when we return and the Board held their first banquet ever Saturday evening! We do not know the amount raised as of yet but there were around 130 people in attendance from all over the island. It seems we are well on our way to helping the St. Kitts chapter become self-sustaining!

Thank you for your prayers and help after my father passed away. We truly appreciate all of the support. We ask that you keep us in your prayers as we work in the U.S. and return to St. Kitts. We are extremely grateful for all of your support and comfort during such a difficult time for us.

Thank you.

An Eventful October!

Whew! October has been one of the craziest months so far. Between a really intense tropical storm, our Meet the King distribution, TCE class and a trip home for me… it’s been one busy month!

Margaret Smith Came to Visit

Maggie, the missionary from Guyana who opened up the work of CEF in St. Kitts last year came to visit us! She was here for a week helping Sean with the TCE class and other various projects! It was so nice to see her again! She left on Friday the 12th which was good because…

Tropical Storm Rafael

On Saturday the 13th, Tropical Storm Rafael hit St. Kitts and Nevis. It brought us 65+ mph wind gusts and a ton of rain. It started raining the Monday before the storm hit and rained off and on all week. Once the storm hit on Saturday the rain didn’t stop until the following Tuesday.

Many people were without power, including us. Our power actually held through the worst of the storm but Sunday morning it went out and stayed off until 10pm Monday evening. We were lucky. Others didn’t get power until well into the week and many were without water.

Tropical Storm Rafael in St. Kitts

Tropical Storm Rafael in St. Kitts and Nevis

Tropical Storm Rafael in St. Kitts and Nevis

Tropical Storm Rafael in St. Kitts and Nevis

It will take a while to get things all cleaned up but praise God nobody died from the storm! Although the island experiences storms often, this one dumped record amounts of rain.

Our Good News Club in Fig Tree was cancelled and Sean had to reschedule some of the assemblies for our Meet the King Distribution but other than that things are returning to normal.

A Week in America

I (Mandi) flew to the States Wednesday the 17th to get minor surgery for two ingrown toenails. After daily visits to the doctor for two weeks we all decided my only option was to go home and have the procedure done there. My doctor (my St. Kitts doctor) strongly urged us not to attempt the procedure here because they simply do not perform ingrown toenail extractions and it would not be very safe if they tried.

Sean and Maddy stayed in St. Kitts and I enjoyed a relaxing week back home with two trips to Chick-Fil-A! (Except for the part where I had minor surgery on two of my toes).  My toes seem to be recovering nicely and I should be back to normal by next week!

Our Tickets for the Holidays Are Purchased!

We will be flying back to the States (all of us this time) on December 17th! We are excited to have our tickets confirmed! We all really miss our family and friends and are looking forward to some much needed rest! We will be in America for one month and will purchase our returning tickets very soon. Thank you to everyone who gave and prayed for us to be able to come home for Christmas! We are still in need of the remaining funds and are confident the Lord will continue to provide!

 Update on ‘Meet the King’ Distribution

Just this week Sean passed out the 2000th Meet the King booklet! That’s 2000 children so far who have not only heard the Gospel but took it home with them to their families! Sean has been stopped in the grocery store twice by kids thanking him for the book! When I returned to St. Kitts and was waiting on my luggage, one of the luggage handlers and I were talking about our family being missionaries in St. Kitts… and he said, “Are you the ones passing out the Jesus booklets in all of the schools?” The best part is that we still have several more schools to attend!

Coming Up

We are almost finished with our Fall TCE (Teaching Children Effectively) class, Sean has finished up his series on the radio and preached his final sermon on Philippians at our church last Sunday. I would say things are settling down but we never know what God has for us! Just when we think we are slowing down, the Lord has us pick up the pace again!

We are Reaching All Primary Age Kids in St. Kitts!

Our ‘Meet the King’ distribution is in full swing! By the end of October we will have reached every primary age child in St. Kitts! We couldn’t be more thrilled at how God is using us!

So far Sean has spoken at five school assemblies and has the rest of the 17 schools scheduled from now until October 31st! By the end of October every child inside of all elementary schools will have heard the Gospel and received a ‘Meet the King’ booklet!

Primary Kids at Beach Allen School in St. Kitts Hear the Gospel and Get a 'Meet the King' Book

Kids at William Conner Primary School in St. Kitts hear the Gospel and get a Meet the King Book

Reaching Primary Schools with ‘Meet the King’ Booklet Schedule:

If you would like to pray for Sean as he teaches in the assemblies and hands out booklets here is the schedule for the rest of the month.

15th – Cayon Primary 267 students

16th – St. Paul’s Primary 192 students

17th – Estrige Primary 91 students

18th – Tucker Clark 446 students

19th – St. Peters 175 students

22nd – Molineaux Primary 103 students

23rd – Newton Ground 107 students

24th – Tabernacle 64 students

26th – Saddlers Primary 101 students

29th – Lodge Village 102 students

30th – Dieppe Bay Primary 108 students

31st – Verchilles 270 students

Teaching Children Effectively Level One Course

Sean will be teaching this course every Tuesday and Thursday evening until the first week of November. We have a total of eight people taking the class! They seem eager to learn and a few of them have never taught children’s ministry at all! We are praying for several Good News Clubs to come out of this class!

Unfortunate Change of Plans Coming Home

I (Mandi) will be coming back to America for a week (October 17th – 24th) to have two ingrown toenails removed. Actually, the procedure is scheduled on my birthday of all days (the 22nd). In late July/early August I stubbed both of my big toes and after a few weeks they both became ingrown. After daily trips to the doctor the decision was made to go home to have them extracted safely. The doctor here tried everything she could but apparently they are not set up to do the surgery safely in St. Kitts. She strongly encouraged us to not have the procedure done at the hospital here because the risk of complications due to negligent care is too high.

Although both big toes are ingrown, the right toe is extremely painful and is so deep that it cannot wait another two months. We had to use the frequent flier miles we were planning for Sean’s ticket at Christmas for me to go back. So now we are in need of around $500 to go home for the holidays. It is frustrating because last week we thought all of the money we needed to raise to go home was complete. But it seems this is the best way to get the medical care needed and we are trusting the Lord to provide for us again.

We would greatly appreciate your prayers for the primary schools, the TCE class, my trip home and the procedure for my toes, for Sean and Maddy as they remain in St. Kitts while I am gone and for us to receive all of the funds needed to go home for the holidays.

Thank you so much for all of your support!

Answer to Prayer!!

In less than a week after writing about our need to raise $1500 dollars to come home for Christmas we have received all of the money in pledges! Praise God! We are so excited to be coming home for the holidays and getting to spend time with friends and family as well as gain more supporters for 2013! We will hopefully be able to purchase our tickets in the next few weeks. So thank you to those who have decided to give toward our plane tickets! We are extremely thankful! And we are also very thankful to those of you who prayed along with us for the money to come in!

On the Radio

Sean has been on the radio for the past two Saturdays and has another two or three scheduled. He has received a lot of feedback from those looking to know more about CEF in St. Kitts and to take the current TCE (Teaching Children Effectively Level One) class. His series about “Why Evangelize Children?” has given the ministry great exposure so far. We are excited to see how the Lord will continue to use this opportunity!

‘Meet The King’ Distribution

During the summer we received 5000 “Meet The King” booklets to hand out to every child in St. Kitts! After much thought and prayer of how to exactly go about doing this we decided to reach out to all of the elementary (or primary schools). For the next two months Sean will be teaching at every primary school through their assemblies and will bring enough booklets to give each child! So in two – three months we will literally reach every primary age child in St. Kitts with the Gospel!! This is an amazing opportunity! Will you join us in prayer for the distribution to be fruitful? Sean will teach the first assemblies next week — Monday at Irishtown and Wednesday at Beach Allen Primary.

Meet The King Booklets

Two guys from the Seattle team in August helped Sean put the 5000 ‘Meet The King’ booklets and other literature in the office.

Other Updates

We haven’t heard anything about our van accident. The police have yet to finish their report so we are still waiting and praying for the outcome to be fair. The first TCE class on Tuesday went very well. We had eight people show up and 12 registered so we should have a little more tonight (Thursday) for our second class. And our Good News Club in Fig Tree is still going well! We have the same kids coming week after week and they really seem to look forward to club. We started a points competition for the new series and if they get enough points we are going to pay for a pizza party!

There is so much wonderful ministry happening between the radio program, the “Meet The King” distribution, TCE classes and the Good News Clubs taking place all over the island! And now we can enjoy all of this while we look forward to spending the Holidays at home!


Coming Home For Christmas, Van Accident, and Booklet Distribution!

By: Sean Miller

Coming Home For Christmas

We are excited to share about our December and January plans! We were recently approved and recommended to take a four week trip back to our home towns to visit our families for Christmas and New Years. We will also spend time with many of our friends and support team. Originally when we moved to St. Kitts & Nevis, we desired to take a short three-week trip back over Christmas. However we did not see many ways that it could be financially feasible. We were recommended to take a refresher trip back to see family and friends by our regional leadership, with all that has happened over the past year, it will be much needed and beneficial.

We pursued getting the short trip officially approved, and splitting the cost between frequent flier miles and our account funds at CEF. Through discussion, CEF HQ advised us that we need to spend a longer amount of time for family and friends, and also to share the vision with others, as we greatly need to be at 100% support to finish our time here strong. This was approved by leadership in the States and the local National St. Kitts and Nevis Board. We are really looking forward to seeing so many of you!

When? We are planning around the week of December 17th through January 21st or so, depending on how the flights work out. Ideally it would work to spend around December 20-28 in Texas, January 4th-16th in Montgomery, and all the times in between/after with my family in Spanish Fort. We urgently need your help, because every day that goes by the chances of getting tickets the way we need them to work out diminish. I have enough frequent flier miles to cover my ticket, so we are in need of a few special, one-time gifts amounting to $1500 donated ASAP to purchase the tickets for Mandi and Maddy. This is done through CEF HQ through our support account, so this is all fully tax-deductible and part of our CEF field expense.

Would you prayerfully consider giving toward this? You can go to the “donate” page for instructions to give online or with a physical check by click on the link here. Please mark on the memo line “flights” or in the comments so we can know that this has been raised. We would greatly appreciate it, and as you seek the Lord, know that this is an investment, as it will bring us back to St. Kitts & Nevis refreshed and ready to kick off 2013 ministry. It will lead to stronger existing support with sharing face to face about the ministry and to new supporters!

Van Accident

Friday was quite the eventful afternoon, and with the local holidays, it continues to be on our minds. Friday I was traveling through town to pay a bill, and went through a very tight, high traffic section of downtown. There is the equivalent of about 1 1/2- 1 3/4 lanes when you have cars parked on the side of the road. A petroleum truck topped off a downtown gas station and was headed back, and chose to go down that road (semi-trucks aren’t supposed to be there) as a shortcut. He also had somewhere to be so he quickly accelerated toward me and the other cars. Every car quickly tried to get out of his way, however they were smaller cars than the CEF van and his tire clipped off my back bumper and dented in the back, cracking the light enclosure, etc…

Van Hit

I was in my lane, and close to the curb, but simply was not a small enough car as the semi flew past me. No harm was done to either driver, and thankfully it was just me in the car. The driver privately admitted fault, said he was going to get in big trouble because this was his second accident on the same road. The police came and took measurements, took statements, and right now the accident is “under investigation” to officially determine fault. All of the evidence and common sense leans heavily in my favor, but you never know how this could turn out. The biggest issue is that who is at fault gets the “driving without due care and attention” ticket, which is quite severe, plus whose insurance pays. Please pray for correct justice to be done, and quick, simple resolution. Also pray for the driver that God would work in his heart, and my prayer is that he would not lose his job or anything.

Do You Wonder Why? Booklet Distribution

Nathan Johnston and I taught a 3-Day Club in the small village of Stapleton in early August. Not many children came due to the local holidays. It was a great club, but you sometimes wonder its effectiveness with it being so short. Just last week Esther (a girl who came only one day to club), her brother, and grandfather were at a beach and drowned. Esther was in the hospital (survived) but her brother and grandfather died. Tuesday I gave 20 CEF “Do You Wonder Why?” booklets to our contact there to give to the family and their friends. This whole tragic situation really spoke to the fact that every club matters, every child matters, even if they only come once.

You can read more about what happened here

Do You Wonder Why Booklets

We are so grateful for your prayers, encouragement, and support as we are here in St. Kitts and Nevis! Looking forward to sharing next week about even more that the Lord is doing in the lives of children here!