CEF Bahamas Celebrates 25 Years!

June 9-11 I (Sean) had the humbling privilege of being a part of the 25th anniversary celebration day for CEF Bahamas! Dr. Willamae Miller, a faithful servant of Jesus Christ and national director for CEF Bahamas was also celebrated on this historic day.

Child Evangelism Fellowship, from its beginning in 1937, has strongly had as its foundation a belief that the local people are who God intends to reach the local children. As CEF chapters were established around the world, our founder (Jesse Irvin Overholtzer) was quoted (paraphrased) as simply meeting a dynamic couple and telling them: “Every child needs to be reached in your country. God commands all throughout the Bible us to do that. So mobilize all the churches to reach the children!” Then Mr. O would go on to the next country. Obviously there was follow up and leadership afterward over the years, but our founder Mr. O was laser-focused on nationals being trained and equipped to reach their own nation’s children. I share that belief!

This was a short trip and very fruitful. I met up with Myron and Nita Tschetter in Charlotte and we flew together to Nassau, Bahamas. As most of you already know, Myron is the Regional Director for the North America/Caribbean region of CEF and therefore also my immediate supervisor. We were able to catch up and discuss the trip but also connect face-to-face regarding other countries in the area we serve as missionaries.

Upon arrival to Nassau, before anybody was allowed off the plane, I heard on the plane intercom: “Passenger Sean Miller is requested to present himself as soon as you depart the aircraft”! I was quite shocked and didn’t know what in the world was going on. 🙂 What a surprise that CEF Bahamas had arranged in advance an expedited police escort for myself and the Tschetters through the airport. Such an honor!

Even though the Bahamas is a large island nation, I had the surprise chance to see Mindy Seeley as she was picking up a team for the Adventure Learning Centre and Camp!

Tim and Mindy Seeley have become good friends over the years, I took many online classes with Tim at the Moody Bible Institute. Thankful for their faithful service in Nassau over the years as they served Him and now are back in the USA after many years living in Nassau.

We then met with Lisa and Kimberley at Outback for lunch/dinner (only reason I mention that is because even after 7+ years it is still so interesting to me that Nassau has an Outback Steakhouse!) to discuss face-to-face the weekend’s plans and schedule. Lisa is full-time with CEF Bahamas and Kimberley is a long-time volunteer with CEF Bahamas and national board member. Both are gifted CEF workers and I am thankful for their service!

Sunday was the main event, and it started with a special service at Abundant Life Bible Church. You can view the entire service at http://abundantlifebahamas.org/albc-live-stream/ and scroll down to click on the June 10th broadcast. Here are some pictures of the 25th anniversary service at CEF Bahamas!

Though there were many special government dignitaries present in the service, something very special was that Her Excellency the Governor General Dame Marquerite Pindling of the Bahamas was in attendance. It was an honor to be present with her in the service and share in presenting an appreciation plaque on behalf of the region of CEF to Dr. Willamae Miller for her legacy of faithfulness. She was awarded the rare title and privilege of being the “National Director Emeritus” for CEF Bahamas.

After the special church service at ALBC, we then were taken to the special appreciation dinner for Dr. Miller. It was well coordinated and the program was inspirational. I had the opportunity to speak about CEF, CEF Bahamas and the future and I was thankful for the time there at the event.

The next morning before our flight back to the USA we had a chance to have breakfast with many of the core group of CEF Bahamas, sharing both personally laughter and family stories and of course discussion of CEF. It is a joy to interact with the workers in the various countries that we serve, it is truly a family throughout the Caribbean. Yes these are all co-workers and the leaders I serve as the Area Director, but it is our region together and they are friends as well.

Something important as a mindset to remember: as missionaries, we don’t ‘minister to the Caribbean’. We minister by, with and alongside the Caribbean national workers and churches. We train, equip and support, “teaching others to train others also” is our mission.

By His grace we are seeing that happen, and you are a vital part of this ministry! Thank you for your prayers and faithful support!

Sharing Jesus all across the Caicos Islands!

March 16-25 I (Sean) was back “home” in the Turks and Caicos Islands! In all my trips back since we lived there, it is always amazing to me how easy it is to pick back up immediately with where I left off. Turks and Caicos does truly feel like home, just as much as St. Kitts and Nevis still does. It is hard to explain, but there is simply no adjustment period, not even a temporary adjustment of the feeling of driving on the other side of the road anymore! From culture, to navigating my way around, to food, to local friends, to church family….it is seamless, just like if I was spending the week down in south Alabama at my parents house or something. It feels the same to me.

As before in previous years, we partnered with CEF of South Dakota to reach out to the public primary schools in four islands: Providenciales, North Caicos, Middle Caicos and South Caicos.

L-R Sean Miller, Kendra Baltzer, Hannah Cleveland, Bailey Pietz and Elijah Hamilton

However, what was very different about this year was that we had a local friend, Cathy Henfield, join us and teach alongside us! Everything we do as missionaries is centered on raising up local leadership in the Caribbean nations we serve, so this was a huge praise the Lord and answer to prayer for someone local in TCI to do this.

We went to four primary schools in Providenciales, including Precious Treasures International School that Maddy attended for Kindergarten!

Two schools in North and Middle Caicos

and we returned to our friends in South Caicos!

It was surprising to see the extent of the great needs still there in Turks and Caicos stemming from Hurricanes Irma and Maria. To be clear, the nation is fully open for tourism but the primary schools and many local homes still have great repair needs that will take months to rebuild.

During the hurricanes we kept in close contact with the school principals and CEF contacts there in TCI, and we sent nearly 1,000 Do You Wonder Why? CEF booklets to various schools in TCI after Irma and Maria. These were used in conjunction with other disaster recovery efforts and each of the principals expressed great appreciation for how the booklets helped the children emotionally and spiritually process the great destruction to their island home.

Being there in person to share in the classrooms and with after-school Easter Party Clubs was encouraging to the teachers and principals, as we stood with them during the storm, we went to each school and prayed over the school and the teachers, and we continue to come to reach out to the children.

CEF is not a flash in the pan ministry, nor do we believe in drive-by evangelism nor believe in any sort of Americanized short-term ministry that does more harm than help. We have long-lasting relationships with schools, local leadership and local churches that we network together for the sake of the children. We have firmly planted national leadership in nearly every country of the Caribbean, and in nations like Turks and Caicos we are working hard towards there being a thriving national chapter established with a national CEF office and local board of directors.

Every Child, Every Island, Every Day!

Here is a short story about a trusty barrel that has been back and forth five times between three countries over five years.

It’s a little corny, but I had to say goodbye to this barrel as it fulfilled its final purpose of bringing over 200lbs of CEF materials to be cleared in Turks and Caicos that was distributed freely to local churches. Just a reminder of the life we have lived in three different nations and all the emotions that go along with it.

We held a teacher training for Turks and Caicos churches and distributed a year’s worth of brand-new CEF curriculum for them to use in Good News Clubs and in their local church’s children’s ministry! That evening 41 people were trained from 13 different churches and during the week we were on island a total of 20 different churches received a full set of curriculum!

All in all, by God’s grace and for His glory 1,830 kids were reached, with 444 of those 1,830 children coming to an after-school Easter Party Club. In total there were 9 of the Easter Party Clubs that took place in 8 of the schools.

Last but not least, two other cool “God” stories to share!

First, I met Tammarra Forbes! She was part of the class of Spring 2008 at Moody Bible Institute (where I graduated with my undergrad May 2015 and currently attend for my Master of Divinity). She teaches 3rd and 4th grade in North Caicos, she saw CEF on our t-shirts and remembered CEF from her time in Chicago, IL!

Second, our first Sunday at Harvest Bible Chapel – Turks and Caicos Islands, TCI the church prayed for HBC-Orangewalk, Belize! One of the four CEF teams served there just a few weeks ago and HBC Orangewalk was one of the local church partners!

It is such a small world and these connections with all our friends across the Caribbean is one of the many things we love about what we get to do!

“Let them give glory unto the LORD, and declare His praise in the islands.” Isaiah 42:12

Antigua & Barbuda’s Most Fragile Natural Resource

“The children are Antigua & Barbuda’s most fragile natural resource” – This quote was shared to me by the Child Evangelism Fellowship national board chairman during my recent ministry trip. August 14-18, 2017, I (Sean) went to meet with the CEF national board and national staff there in Antigua. Fitzgerald Semper is the national director, and he has served as both board chairman and then national director when the Lord called him to serve full time with CEF.

 Fitzgerald Semper and me (Sean)

There has been a CEF ministry in Antigua & Barbuda for some time, but officially incorporated in late 2012.

They have ministry in a number of primary schools and preschools, and God has used the local chapter of CEF (nationally run) to help the local people reach over 1,800 children with the Gospel! These are children that are also being discipled in the Word of God.

August 28-29 they (CEF Antigua) will be holding CEF training here
at this church/school

Monday, August 14:

My plans began to change big time when my cell phone battery died that morning and I had to spend time (and money) I didn’t have getting a new battery installed before my flight. Because of weather delays, the flight to Charlotte was delayed over an hour and I missed my Miami flight by Only. Five. Minutes. I almost was placed on standby but thankfully was given a confirmed seat on the 10pm flight to Miami. Long story short, with the CLT weather I did not arrive at my Miami hotel until 4:30am. Only got 2 hours or so of sleep and it was off to catch my flight to Antigua.

Flew directly over St. Kitts! Saw so many familiar places from the air!

Tuesday, August 15:

Running on adrenaline, I had a thankfully uneventful flight to Antigua, where I met with Fitzgerald all afternoon, stopped by the CEF office and we said hello to Ianthe, the CEF office manager and teacher trainer. She is doing a great job!

Tuesday night we went to the church where we were to have a meeting with the national board. Unfortunately the key was in another vehicle, so ultimately the meeting did not begin until 8pm. It was a good, healthy discussion with the national board about the CEF ministry there in Antigua & Barbuda, developing a strategic plan of action and how to grow and develop a thriving national board and ministry.

Board development is a primary part of my missionary responsibilities, and these face-to-face times are vital as I interact with board members throughout the year.

Wednesday, August 16:

Wednesday I was able to spend the full day with Fitzgerald, as he had a number of errands to run. It was a privilege to see parts of Antigua I had never seen before, meet his mother, his mother-in-law, nephew and sisters. I have been friends with Fitzgerald for almost four years, but it was amazing to hear more about the history of Antigua & Barbuda, his upbringing, the culture and current state of the country. Fitzgerald has a deep heart for the children of Antigua & Barbuda, he said many times “I enjoy traveling to the USA and other places, but I love my country of Antigua and I love living in Antigua.”

He also stopped downtown at the local market where I picked up a bounty of local fruit that I missed!

A guinep!

Thursday, August 17:

Thursday we stopped by Fitzgerald’s church that he pastors (separate from him being a full-time national director for CEF)! I am thankful for local churches that reach the local community and faithfully teach the Gospel.

We also drove to his sister’s home, which is near where Fitzgerald grew up. I was able to see his stomping grounds and get a better appreciation for what local children experience there in Antigua.

The beautiful view from Fitzerald’s sister’s home of Antigua’s country area

Wax Apples/Plum Rose from their tree

My flight back to the USA was uneventful, but there was an hour & a half delay at JFK with the baggage that led to me arriving quite late to the hotel (past 11pm). Needless to say, I have been quite tired this week.

Friday, August 18.

Traveled back to Montgomery!

Was able to deliver these Teaching Children Effectively Level One
flannel figures for CEF Antigua to use as a backup when power outages occur
and the projector cannot be used.

Again, in partnership with The Gospel Coalition: International Outreach,
I was able to get a case of Tim Keller’s Galatians for You (an EXCELLENT book)
to give away to the leaders in Antigua!

A big thank you to Fitzgerald for being such a gracious and hospitable host, he opened up his home to let me stay there and I am grateful.


Two VERY important things to understand:

  1. This was an incredibly needed trip because as an Area Director it is vital to have face-to-face time with each of the national workers we serve at least once a year. In addition, it is important to have face-to-face time with national boards because instead of emailing or calling strangers I am speaking to friends, to co-laborers.

So much of what I do on a daily basis from Montgomery, AL is done via Skype, email, phone call, WhatsApp and other technological methods. But these things are limited. With a visit, even if it is short like this one, I can spend over three hours with the national board, and over 27 hours of discussion and conversation time with the national staff (which is what I did August 15-17). Visits like this are vital and help me assess better the current state of the CEF ministry and how I can best serve these national workers along with the regional team.

  1. Spiritual warfare is extremely real and can be very much in your face at times. I experienced this heavily this week. This week I had the cell phone battery distraction Monday morning, the physical exhaustion from the many flight delays and severe lack of sleep on multiple days, I could not find my passport for almost five/ten minutes on Tuesday, our mortgage payment incorrectly posted twice to our bank account which caused me to spend over 30 minutes on the phone Wednesday (plus the emotional distress of what in the world we were going to do), the car back in Montgomery had the brakes go completely out, there was not a quorum of the national board because 3-4 members were sick, among other things. The enemy does not want the children of Antigua & Barbuda to be reached, and Satan will stop at nothing to distract, hinder or throw curve balls & roadblocks in your way. Everything is on the table for Satan. However, God is infinitely greater and infinitely more powerful! We saw His hand of providence & protection in countless ways this week.

This is why prayer is so important; please remember us as missionaries in your prayers!!! Also, pray for the local CEF staff of the countries we serve, and pray for the local volunteers who teach the children in Good News Clubs & 5-Day Clubs. Pray for their families. Pray for their health. Pray for favor in their travel and pray against the evil one that seeks to devour. Pray all of these things for us as well! Prayer is a vital way to partner in ministry with us as missionaries; so many battles in our ministry are deeply spiritual.

Pray for Fitzgerald, Ianthe, and the entire CEF Antigua & Barbuda family today!

Encouraging Ministry in The Bahamas!

June 22-26 CEF Regional Director Myron Tschetter and I (Sean) went to Nassau in New Providence, Bahamas to encourage the national board and national staff! Lots of pictures in this post, sharing the story of all that God did during this visit to serve the amazing local folks that God has called to serve with CEF there in the Bahamas.

Prior to the trip, Myron Tschetter and I sent out a very detailed assessment form that would be helpful for everyone to get a sense of what the strengths and weaknesses are with CEF in the Bahamas. We had discussed the results on the phone for weeks leading up to the trip, but it was nice to visually see it all printed out! Quite a bit of information to say the least.

As soon as we got there, Dr. Willamae Miller and her daughter Eunice was there to meet us at the airport and bring us to the apartment where we would stay. Dr. Miller has served faithfully with CEF as the national director for the Bahamas for over 25 years!

That afternoon we met with Dr. Miller in the CEF national office to hear her heart for the ministry face to face and better understand more ways that we can best help and encourage her efforts.

It was awesome to meet one of Dr. Miller’s sons, the famous Darold Miller! Darold has the most popular radio show in the Bahamas, Darold Miller Live! A major talk radio show that is very influential in the country.

We then went to have a meeting with the CEF Bahamas board chairman, Pastor Geoffrey Wood.

As the main meetings began, Myron and I praise the Lord that there were so many people who came out from the national board. It was very well attended!

We dove into key topics about systems, vision, strategic planning, board development, fundgathering and staffing.

Everyone was very engaged in the discussion, God has brought key people together that we are looking forward to seeing how God uses in the months and years ahead on the National Board.

One of the board members shared: “I am a new board member, you really clarified quite a bit for me.” Another person said: “This just made my role (on the board) so much easier!” That was our heart and passion, to help address issues they said were in need of addressing, to serve them and encourage them by clarifying roles and expectations. We want to make sure everyone is operating out of their gifts and strengths so that every child in the Bahamas hears the Good News!

At an evening CEF event Saturday, I met this great pastor, Pastor Everette Brown, who went to school in Selma! Small world!

So thankful for all the great local volunteers we were able to meet!

A very special meeting was with the VERY FIRST Good News Club kids ever in the Bahamas! Deandre and Oscar were the first kids to come to a GNC 25 years ago. Now it has come full circle and they are teaching a Good News Club themselves!

Myron gave the morning sermon at Temple Baptist Church!

We were treated to a fabulous brunch with Lisa and Cornell Moss (Lisa is a new full-time staff person with CEF Bahamas) and Dr. Miller after service!

As before, I partnered with The Gospel Coalition-International Outreach and brought plenty of John Piper’s book “Finally Alive” to give to all the CEF National Board and Staff. Very thankful for that amazing ministry of getting Gospel-saturated books into the hands of His people!

Pictures around town!

While we were there in the Bahamas, I read about how a man from Lee County, Alabama was shot while walking on the beach of Grace Bay in Turks and Caicos. An incredibly tragic story that gives an excellent example of that fact that paradise is not what HGTV makes it out to be. It is urgent that the local churches reach out to the next generation in their island, the doors are WIDE open for the Gospel and the future of their country depends on it!

I give God praise for all that He did through this trip to encourage and develop the CEF ministry taking place in the Bahamas. We pray with them that children on every island would hear and know King Jesus!

Will you pray for the Bahamas today?

Guest Missionaries at Camp Victory!

June 5-10 we had the opportunity to be the guest missionaries at Camp Victory in Samson, Alabama! We have known Nate and Laura Smith for quite a long time (Nate is the Program Director) through an annual missions conference at a local church in Montgomery. I (Sean) have also known many who have gone to Camp Victory over the years. Mandi and I have had the chance to be guest missionaries there before a couple years before we originally left for St. Kitts & Nevis.

But first, we celebrated Riley-Grace’s birthday on June 4th! She is obsessed with the beach and with planes (that first year of life in Turks and Caicos must have made an impact on her). So we went to Gulf Shores and celebrated her birthday with my side of the family.


Mandi wrote on Riley-Grace’s birthday: “Happy 3rd Birthday to my sweet Riley-Grace! In 3 years this kid has lived in 2 countries and visited a third, been to 15 states and flown more than I can remember. She LOVES the beach, Peppa Pig, Dory, Nemo and Little Einsteins. RG is our daredevil and is VERY resourceful. I love how much she loves her family… she is always giving me hugs and saying “I wub you mommy!” She is extroverted like her Daddy and is his “go places buddy”. She copies everything her big sister does and absolutely adores her baby sister!”

Maddy also always loves the beach!

Maddy was a part of Cabin 4 at Camp Victory (4th from the right), with a fantastic Counselor and Counselor in Training. This was her first time at a camp and she loved it!

Riley-Grace loved the camp activities as well! She loved running around in the wide open spaces and loved picking blueberries to eat off the blueberry bush.

RG was a big fan of snack time also, and loved having her face painted.

She loved meal time as well!

Maddy absolutely loved being at Camp and wants to go back next year!

So what did you do all week you might ask? We were the guest missionaries, so our role was to share with the kids about overseas missions. Every morning we had a 30-minute session with the kids to share pictures, videos, curios, etc… and the kids were really engaged. We also met with individual cabins in the afternoons, led in devotions for the staff and challenged the Counselors in Training to possibly serve with Child Evangelism Fellowship in their local area (or overseas) one day. At the end of the week we gave each of the kids the “Things You Need To Know” booklet by CEF!

One of the challenges for the children that week was to write encouragement cards that I could take on my June 23-26 Nassau trip to Dr. Willamae Miller, the national director for CEF Bahamas. The kids of Camp Victory wrote very sweet cards to her!

Lastly, we were blown away by the generosity of the children, they raised a large offering (over $600!) to help with the costs of the August 14-17 trip to Antigua! Praise the Lord for His provision and the unique ways that God provides for the needs of the ministry.

We were grateful for the opportunity to come and share with the children about what we do as Child Evangelism Fellowship international missionaries! Our family had a great time!