Lots of Things in the Works Lately

We are getting our visas!!!

Visa Progress

When we came to St. Kitts in January we were given a temporary tourist visa which recently expired. Other missionaries living here have spent an entire year trying to get their visas so we weren’t too sure how long it would take us. Thankfully, we got a call last week from our Board Chairman to drop off our passports and letters from CEF! We should have our visas in the next couple of weeks! Praise the Lord!!

We will be going back to the States for the CEF Regional Conference in late April/early May so now we won’t need to worry about re-entering St. Kitts!

No Electricity, No Water

The power here goes out at least once a week… sometimes more. We are all getting sensitized to it… so much so that we hardly even blink when the power goes out.

But the water?

We weren’t prepared for it going out! St. Kitts has clean, running water just like back home. It’s just understood that when we turn on the faucet, take a shower and wash clothes the water will work. We are learning not to take anything for granted here! Apparently, a water main broke in our neighborhood and we were without water all day Monday (except in the evening) and half of the day on Tuesday! Our dishes were piling up, the laundry started over flowing and frankly… we didn’t smell very good! 😉

We appreciate running water so much more after the start of our week!

Upcoming Events

This Saturday we will be taking the ferry to Nevis! We plan to attend a Good News Club and meet with a few key leaders. It will be Maddy’s first visit to Nevis… she always makes sure no one forgets about Nevis when we talk about St. Kitts. She says we don’t live in St. Kitts… “we live in St. Kitts and Nevis”.

We are also planning to attend three other Good News Clubs in the next two weeks! It’s so exciting to see children being reached with the Gospel!

On Thursday the National Board will be holding their monthly meeting. Sean is very excited to update the board with everything that has happened and all that we have planned!

We are already planning for the summer ministry! We have one mission team pretty much confirmed and two more in the works! Sean is already scheduling 5 Day Clubs so we are hoping this summer will be a busy season full of ministry!

Pirates of the Caribbean

They are real! Haha! We ate dinner out on Monday evening (hard to cook and wash dishes without water) and saw the Black Pearl!

Ok… so it wasn’t the Black Pearl but it did look awesome. The ship was much closer than it seems in the picture… Sean was especially excited to see it. And Maddy kept saying over and over and over and over (you get the picture) “Arrrrrgh Maties!!”

"Pirate" Ship in St. Kitts

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